Abdominal cramping?
Bloating and gas?
Diarrhea, constipation or both?
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder, affecting some 58 million Americans. Yet it’s also one that many people aren’t comfortable talking about because the signs and symptoms may be embarrassing.
Many people have only mild signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. However, for some the problems can be disabling, and in those cases, you usually have severe signs and symptoms that don’t respond well to medical treatment.
For most people, IBS is a chronic condition, although there will likely be times when the signs and symptoms are worse and times when they improve or even disappear completely.
Irritable Bowel symptoms can be triggered by a range of things from gas or pressure on your intestines to medications or emotions. Many people have an intolerance for certain food products. If you suffer from IBS, you’ll know shortly after eating or drinking those products. Another trigger is stress. Most people with IBS find that their signs and symptoms are worse or more frequent during stressful events, such as a change in their daily routine or family arguments.
Medical treatment tends to focus on the relief of symptoms. Some of the treatments include anti-diarrhea drugs, anticholinergic (these drugs suppress the nervous system) drugs and even anti-depressants. Bear in mind, all of these drugs have side effects, some even fatal.
Using functional neurology and specific chiropractic adjustments (that affect the parasympathetic nervous system) have helped many individuals suffering from IBS, even ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. We see drastic improvements in all types of gastrointestinal disturbance using our neurological interventions along with the appropriate metabolic testing to identify food sensitivities and pathogenic organisms in the gut. If you’re suffering from these chronic (and sometimes debilitating) conditions, wouldn’t it be worth investigating a different method or school of thought? No drugs, no dangerous surgical interventions, just results?
Our Professional TEAM
We have developed a unique clinical care methods that combines a drug-free, non-surgical approach. Many patients are seeing great results, even those who have "tried everything" before.
When I speak of “The Gut”, I am speaking largely of the stomach and the intestines (we won’t ignore the liver). The Gut is an amazing organ. We all realize how important it is for digestion. However, most of us are woefully unaware of its importance in endocrine and immune system function.
The “Gut” is critically important because it is where your Nervous System, Endocrine System (pancreas, adrenals, thyroid, sex glands, etc), and Immune System all converge.
Your gut is where 4/5 of your immune system lives! Poor gut health means poor immune system function. Poor immune system function opens a Pandora’s Box of health problems including AUTOIMMUNITY, FIBROMYALGIA, MIGRAINE HEADACHES, EQUILIBRIUM DISORDERS, Endocrine Problems, including THYROID DYSFUNCTION, as well as a whole host of others.
It is not uncommon for our METABOLIC TESTING to verify multiple gut problems such as:
This includes intestinal over-growths of yeast (Candida mostly, but there are sometimes others), mold, fungus, and “bad” bacteria (aka, poor gut flora). Be aware that these bad bacteria actually create toxins that can severely affect the liver — to the point of causing hydrogenation (TRANS FATS) of healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Some of these toxins have some rather descriptive names —- “Scatol” (scat is another name for s _ _ t) and “Cadaverol” (cadavers are dead bodies) are two that come immediately to mind). As you can imagine, the smell produced by these two bacteria is beyond disgusting. Probably the reason that one of the most common symptoms of Dysbiosis is bloating and smelly gas —- the kind of gas that could kill a brontosaurus! If you have a true “Dysbiotic Gut”, you will not be able to fix this problem by taking simply taking probiotics.
This is decreased stomach acid (decreased amount and, or strength). Although most people are told that the reason they have indigestion, heartburn, gas, etc, is because they have too much stomach acid, the truth is probably 180 degrees reversed —- they do not have enough stomach acid. The pH of normal stomach acid is supposed to be between 1 & 2. You cannot go lower than this on a pH scale. It is literally impossible, in an otherwise healthy individual, to have stomach acid that is too strong. Weak stomach acid (or not enough stomach acid) causes a process the medical profession refers to as “Putrefaction”. This lovely sounding process is where improperly or partially digested proteins churn and boil around in your stomach, creating a bubbling mash of organic acids that can actually back acid up until it “refluxes” back up the esophagus like a volcano! Because the first part of the small intestine (the duodenum) wants to only handle fully digested proteins (as opposed to partially digested or undigested proteins), it tries to “block” the partially digested food from leaving the stomach and entering the small intestine, thus backing up this undigested mess sometimes to the point of regurgitation (it can burn the lips). Yes, acid blocking drugs relieve symptoms. But as you can imagine, they lead to a whole host of problems, including osteoporosis and mineral deficiencies (most minerals, including calcium, are only absorbed in an extremely acidic environment).
Heliobacteria Pylori is the name of a bacteria that commonly overgrows the stomach. There are ways to deal with this. But in order to know if it’s present, you must be TESTED.
For heaven’s sake; we live in America. We are clean. We don’t get parasites. Wrong! Parasites are common —- dog common (no pun intended). If you have an underlying parasitic infection, it could be completely derailing your health. This is particularly true in FIBROMYALGIA.
Leaky Gut (along with LEAKY BRAIN SYNDROME & Leaky Lung Syndrome) are huge roadblocks to getting healthy. When the immune system chemicals that we collectively refer to as INFLAMMATION build to critical mass, they start wreaking havoc on the body. Not only are these chemicals the known cause of all sorts of heart disease, they cause arthritic problems, cancer, disc problems, autoimmune disease, diabetes, as well as a whole host of others. When these “Inflammatory Chemicals” invade the Gut, they cause the “tight junctions” in the intestine to become “loose”. The loose junctions allow things that should not be there to “leak” thru the gut and into the blood stream (see HERE for a list). Sooner or later the body will begin reacting against these things. The “Leaky” Syndromes feed numerous health problems. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the Medical Community does not admit that Leaky Gut Syndrome even exists. Why not? Because it does not show up on their standard battery of tests.

IBS, Chrohn's Disease and GI Disturbance Sufferers in Dacula are getting great results at Integrative Healthcare of Atlanta
Improve your overall health
and regain your vitality for life.PAIN RELIEF
Reduce or eliminate cramping, bloating and urgency.
Medication and surgery don't
have to be the answer.ACTIVE LIFESTYLE
Stop wasting time in pain and get your active life back!
Gut Dysfunction affects 70 million Americans; for those of you keeping score, that is one in four —- 25%.
If you'd like to find out if the neuro-metabolic approach we use in our office would be appropriate in your case, call (770) 237-5534 and schedule your consultation today!