Dr. Lawrence Talks Neuropathy

Dr. Natalie Lawrence talks with Atlanta's Business about how she looks for the cause of the pain instead of just treating the symptoms. She also explains how short term solutions can cause long term problems.


Numbness or tingling in hands, arms, feet or legs?
Extreme sensitivity to touch?
Lack of coordination?
Sharp, jabbing, throbbing, freezing or burning pain?
Muscle weakness or paralysis?
Are You in Pain?
It is common for patients to experience the first symptoms in their extremities (hands, arms, legs and feet).
Common causes of neuropathy are complications of diabetes and chemotherapy treatment.
When diagnosed early, you may be able to control the condition and potentially prevent more damage. We can help.
Our Professional TEAM
We have developed a unique methods that combines a drug-free, non-surgical approach with the most advanced NEUROPATHY PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY available. Many patients are seeing great results, even those who have "tried everything" before.
Our methods works for a wide variety of conditions. If you are suffering with neuropathy, there may be hope!
Schedule your consultation today.

Do you have chronic back pain that you have been told you have to live with?
Do you feel like you have tried everything possible, but haven't felt any results?
Have you been told that surgery is your only option? We can eliminate pain and increase mobility, without drugs or surgery.
Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) is the term used to describe disorders of the peripheral nerves. Even though an estimated 20 million people in the US suffer with PN, information is hard to come by. Approximately 50% of diabetics will develop the condition. Many people using statin pills: ‘cholesterol drugs’ will be affected by this mysterious and under-recognized malady.
Neuropathy means “disease or abnormality of the nervous system” which is not a very helpful definition. We need to think of neuropathy as any DAMAGE to the nervous system. Carpal Tunnel syndrome, Herniated Discs and Strokes are all insults to different areas of the nervous system, all with different symptoms. Diabetes is a systemic disease that affects all nerves of the body from the brain, eyes and small nerves of the heart and digestive system, to the nerves in the hands, feet, and legs.
The peripheral nervous system is made up of the nerves that branch out of the spinal cord to all parts of the body.
Peripheral nerve cells have three main parts: Cell body, axons, and dendrites (nerve/muscle junction). Any part of the nerve can be affected, but damage to axons is most common. The axon transmits signals from nerve cell to nerve cell or nerve cell to muscle. Most axons are surrounded by a substance call myelin, which facilitates signal transmission.
There are two types of symptoms with PN; negative and positive. Negative signs appear first when damage to the nervous system brings about a LOSS of a particular function. For example; loss of reflexes, loss of strength, loss of sensation like numbness. But these are rarely detectable to the patient, because the brain makes up the different in the losses. Only after some time do the sick and damaged nerves develop the positive signs of neuropathy; tingling, burning, biting, stabbing, shooting pains. This too is a reaction of the brain and the nervous system, unfortunately this over reaction tears apart the fiber of the patients’ lives.
Each patient will describe their symptoms in their own individual language of ‘pain’. This can easily confuse a doctor not trained in the recognition and treatment of these symptoms. So the patient usually continues at suffer, going from doctor to doctor, to stronger and stronger doses of pills until they are either completely drugged up and ‘out of it’, or lost in their own world of suffering.
Some neuropathies come on suddenly, others over many years. Some people are affected only by a weakness in the arms and legs which leads to difficulty standing, walking, or getting out of a chair. The loss of sensation from the feet, ankles and toes contributes to patients not having a ‘good sense’ of where their feet are touching the ground, and this causes them to fall very easily. These under-recognized sensory losses CAN ONLY be detected with a proper clinical exam. This office has the necessary tools to uncover the underlying cause of this ‘silent’ nerve damage.
Some patients will eventually become unable to walk at all. Others start with a tingling, pin pricking feeling that turns into deep sharp stabbing pains and burning electric shocks. These debilitating problems can also be at their worst at night while trying to get to sleep, because the PAIN never goes away. In fact, once started IT ONLY GETS WORSE!!
Currently, ordinary medicine has NO cure for PN. The extremely powerful drugs dispensed to patients DO NOT TREAT the NERVE DAMAGE! They numb the brain to numb the pain. Most patients can not tolerate a drugged existence but feel they have NO OTHER OPTION against this horrifying pain.
If you would like to schedule an appointment to see if you are a candidate for these breakthrough procedures, call (770) 237-5534.
There are many people in our area that still suffer with peripheral neuropathy. In this day and age there have been significant improvements in the pain management we can offer. The past pain management for peripheral neuropathy revolved around medication, and many patients were left disappointed. It doesn’t have to be this way anymore.
At Integrative Healthcare of Atlanta we have several advanced programs to help you turn this condition around. If you’re struggling with burning pain, tingling, numbness, or even a loss of feeling, call our office today to see what we can do for you. Our doctor will sit down with you to see if you are a good candidate for care. It’s a great day to start your new life.
Neuropathy in Dacula
Symptoms of Neuropathy:
- Loss of hot or cold sensation
- Pins and needles feeling in your feet
- Tingling or burning
- Loss of feeling
- Feet that are painful to touch
- Restless legs
- Feeling of ants crawling on your legs
- Difficulty sleeping because of foot pain
- Burning Pain
- Sharp Electric Pain
- Numbness
- Leg Cramps
- Numbness and Tingling in your feet
- Difficulty sleeping
- Pain while you walk
Is Medication the Answer for Neuropathy?
Medication can be very helpful for a number of things. The problem is that medication is not generally designed to correct the cause of the problem. Common sense will tell you that if your pain management is not designed to correct the true problem, you’re likely to have disappointing results. In some cases medication can actually cause new problems to develop in the body because of the many side effects. We know so much about the human body today. It’s time to move beyond pain management that mask your symptoms.
Is Neuropathy Stealing Your Happiness?
If you have neuropathy you understand how it can make you feel. Simple things like driving your car or taking a walk with a loved one can become painful and difficult tasks. When you start to lose the simple things in your life it can truly steal your happiness away. Many of the patients we meet are in a state of slight depression, because they are not able to do the things they love. If you’re in this position take action. This is a problem that you can begin to change today.
Excellent Results
Our new Peripheral Neuropathy methods succeed because we attack the problem at its source. Our combination of breakthrough technology along with advanced methods provides your body with everything it needs to heal the damaged nerves. The majority of patients notice an improvement in their symptoms within their first few visits. Our combination of care helps to restore, stabilize, and rebuild the nerves in your extremities. In many cases the results also go beyond neuropathy and have been helpful for conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, and MS.
When you’re deciding where you are going to go for care, it’s important to think about one thing. Is the care you’re receiving going to correct the cause of the problem, or is it designed to cover your symptoms? You see, a care method that is designed to mask your symptoms will generally leave you disappointed in the end.
Are You a Candidate for Care?
In general if you have pain in your hands, feet, or legs you may be a candidate for our care. Each patient is evaluated by our team, on a one on one basis, to see if our care is right for them. It’s important to note that our care methods are non-surgical, and require no prescription drugs. There is finally an answer that can produce long lasting results.
Why Choose Us?
At Integrative Healthcare of Atlanta we believe that each patient is an individual. Our multi-disciplinary approach gives us the ability to custom fit our care to each patient. Our doctor will sit down with you on your first visit to determine the best care options for you.
We offer some of the most advanced non-surgical FDA approved care methods available today. It’s always our goal to focus on the cause of any condition we treat. Our patients expect the best, and we do everything we can to help them achieve their goals. We want you to have the ability to live your life to the fullest. Don’t let pain take that away from you.
Register to see if you qualify for complimentary new patient consultation today. The team at Integrative Healthcare of Atlanta is here to help.

Neuropathy Sufferers in Dacula are getting great results at Integrative Healthcare of Atlanta
Improve your overall health
and regain your vitality for life.PAIN RELIEF
Reverse or eliminate the burning, tingling, and numbness for good.
Medication and surgery don't
have to be the answer.ACTIVE LIFESTYLE
Stop wasting time in pain and
get your active life back!