Dear Thyroid Sufferer,
My name is Dr. Natalie Lawrence, D.C. and I am a board certified chiropractor. I graduated from Life University in Marietta, Ga in 1997 and have been in private practice in Dacula, GA since 2002. I am a member of Functional Medicine University and have completed over 200 hours in post — graduate studies in functional endocrinology, blood chemistry, brain and neurotransmitters and thyroid disorders. In addition, I am currently attending the prestigious Carrick Institute here in Atlanta in pursuit of a diplomate in chiropractic neurology.
In our office, we focus on chronic and hard to treat conditions and address them through specific neuro-metabolic protocols. This unique approach has allowed me to support people with a wide variety of health concerns, including thyroid problems. I have been personally trained by and successfully utilized protocols developed by renowned thyroid expert Datis Kharrazian, DHSc, DC, MS, MNeuroSci, author of the Amazon.com bestseller “Why Do I Still have Thyroid Symptoms When My Labs Are Normal?” (www.thyroidbook.com). Because of my specialized training, you will find me listed as a referral doctor on Dr. Kharrazian's site www.thyroidconnections.com.


Fatigue or weakness?
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight?
Dry hair, dry skin or hair loss?
Can't tolerate cold temperatures?
Depression or irritability?
Abnormal menstrual cycles?
Are You in Pain?
Thyroid and hormone imbalances can cause problems that get worse over time.
There are many factors that can cause imbalance in the body. We are here to help.
Are you ready to get your body back in balance without drugs or surgery?
Our Professional TEAM
We have developed a unique new approach to HORMONE BALANCING. Many patients are seeing great results, even those who have "tried everything" before.
Our methods works for a wide variety of conditions. If you are suffering with Hormone Imbalances, there may be hope! See if you qualify for a consultation today.

Do you have hormone imbalances that you have been told you have to live with?
Do you feel like you have tried everything possible, but haven't felt any results? We can help.
Do you feel like your options are limited? Schedule an appointment today to see if our team is able to help you with your concerns.
Some 20 million Americans are affected by thyroid disorders - that’s 1 in 13 people! And more than half of those people are unaware they have a thyroid problem because it frequently goes undiagnosed…until it gets severe.
According to the National Women’s Health Information Center, 1 in 8 women will experience a thyroid disorder during their lifetime. The reason why this fact may surprise you is because you’ve probably never heard it explained to you…that’s because most doctors are only vaguely familiar with thyroid disorders.
Many patients with hypothyroidism suffer from a long list of musculoskeletal complaints, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, autoimmune joint diseases (arthritis or joint degeneration), poor recovery from muscle injury, inflammation, headaches, back pain caused by obesity, and other issues that lead them to seek the care of a chiropractor.
Dr. Natalie Lawrence at Integrative Healthcare of Atlanta can help support you in your quest for better thyroid health and balance.
- Fatigue, tired, or sluggish?
- Cold feet and/or hands?
- Do you require excessive amounts of sleep to function?
- Do you gain weight easily?
- Do you have difficult or infrequent bowel movements?
- Are you depressed? Do you suffer from depression?
- Lack of motivation?
- Do you suffer from morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses?
- Do you suffer from thinning hair or excessive hair falling out?
- Do you suffer from dryness of the skin and/or scalp?
- Do you suffer from mental sluggishness?
- Do you suffer from heart palpitations?
- Do you suffer from inward trembling?
- Do you have an increased pulse even at rest?
- Are you nervous and emotional?
- Do you suffer from insomnia?
- Do you suffer from night sweats?
- Do you have difficulty gaining weight?
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder in which the patient’s immune system attacks the thyroid. Patient’s that suffer from Hashimoto’s experience some or all of the above symptoms from Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism.
Let’s talk about the thyroid gland a bit…..
The thyroid “runs” our metabolism—it is the “gas pedal” of the body.
Thyroid hormones have direct effects on most organs, including the heart which beats faster and harder under the influence of increased thyroid hormones (this is why heart problems can often accompany chronic thyroid problems in women, and perhaps why heart problems are more common in women under the age of 50).
T3 is the more biologically active hormone (it’s more important for cellular function), and in fact most of T4 (80%) is converted to T3 in the body’s peripheral tissues. So T4 is just a precursor for the more active hormone, T3.
One of the problems in some thyroid disorders is that you may have trouble converting T4 to T3 in your tissues (have you been checked for this?). This can create a deficiency of T3, disrupting the body’s ability to properly regulate metabolism…leading to specific symptoms.
There are some clinicians that are treating thyroid conditions with iodine. I do not recommend iodine in the treatment of thyroid conditions. According to Dr. Datis Kharriazian, author of the book, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?, using iodine to treat thyroid conditions is akin to throwing gasoline on a fire.

Thyroid sufferers in Dacula are getting great results at Integrative Healthcare of Atlanta
Improve your overall health
and regain your vitality for life.PAIN RELIEF
Balancing your hormones
can offer pain relief.REDUCED MEDICATIONS
Medication and surgery don't
have to be the answer.ACTIVE LIFESTYLE
Stop wasting time in pain and
get your active life back!
I am here to tell you that there is NEW HOPE!
If you’re ready to get to the root cause of your problem and start living your life again, call the office at (770) 237-5534 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lawrence. Click here to hear our patients speak about our programs.
In closing, let me leave you with this:
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
We are successful in helping patients because we use a different approach. Don't suffer another day! CALL (770) 237-5534 TODAY and schedule your consultation. We'd love to see YOU in our next testimonial!
Disclaimer - The results described on this site are based on data that has been collected in short & intermediate term treatment. Your individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.